Senin, 05 Maret 2012



ini digunakan untuk memberi keterangan, identitas, dan informasi lainkepada katabenda
Dalam struktur
 Adjective Clause
ditandai dengan
Relative Pronoun
, yaitu:
who, whom, whose, which, when, where, why,
digunakan untuk orang dalam posisi subjek
(human as subject).
digunakan untuk orang dalam posisi objek
(human as object).
digunakan untuk benda, baik dalam posisi subjek atau objek
(non-human assubject/object).
digunakan sebagai subtitusi
who, whom,
digunakan untuk
digunakan untuk
digunakan untuk
Contoh :My English teacher is the man
Is standing near the pillar 
.The house
I live
is being rdwvated.
 Adjective clause
dibagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu:
1. Important (defining) adjective clause
, yaitu
adjective clause
yang merupakaninformasi penting bagi
2. Unimportant (undefining) adjective clause
, yaitu
adjective clause

At a certain point in your writing in English, you should be able to identify every sentence you write as simple, compound, or complex.  Two additional structures, adjective clauses and appositives, will give you a much greater sentence variety within which to accomplish your writing objectives.  This page contains a small amount of information about adjective clauses along with just ten very difficult exercises.  First, we will define what adjective clauses are and how they work.
An adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun.  It is possible to combine the following two sentences to form one sentence containing an adjective clause:              
The children are going to visit the museum.
They are on the bus.
The children who are on the bus are going to visit the museum.
                  | adjective clause |
In the sentence above, there are two other ways to write the sentence correctly using the second sentence as the adjective clause. 
The children that are on the bus are going to visit the museum.
The children       on the bus       are going to visit the museum.
Some other sentences can be combined into a sentence using adjective clauses in a variety of ways, and they are all correct.  Note the variety of ways in which the following two sentences can be combined.
The church is old.
My grandparents were married there.
The church where my grandparents were married is old.
The church in which my grandparents were married is old.
The church which my grandparents were married in is old.
The church that my grandparents were married in is old.
The church my grandparents were married in is old.
In the sentences above, the adjective clauses are underlined.  All answers are correct.  Note the use of the word "in" and how and where it is used.
Managing simple, compound, and complex sentences, and then adding adjective clauses into the mix can result in some confusing situations regarding punctuation.  There are some specific rules when punctuation is permissible or required around adjective clauses (when the information in the adjective clause is non-essential information); however, in my composition classes, I insist that students NOT use commas around adjective clauses for several reasons.
First, non-essential information should generally be avoided in academic writing, at least in the short essays required for these composition classes.  Thus, not including the commas will more often be right than wrong.
Second, my Spanish speaking students have a natural tendency to write long sentences using many commas inappropriately.  By not using commas around adjective clauses, students can perhaps more readily recognize when a period is required.
Third, I believe it is easier to learn to apply commas later when they are required than the other way around.  Indiscriminate use of commas is a hard habit to undo in my experience.  Therefore do not use commas around adjective clauses, at least for one semester.

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